Jul 7, 2010

Having Fantastic Time!!!

As i mentioned it earlier – Met my BMF’s just now. hahah!! i was a bit late, erhmm.. Not a bit but it was like 15 minutes late. hehehe, Sorry guys. Took the train and met them at bns and they were like “Why, mir, @#%^@%#^%” HEHHE! Walked to Civics' Library and found ourselves a table. Each of us did our own revision/stuff… bla…bla..bla. With the passing of time, Salih’s and mine stomach are hungry so decided to eat – As usual, MacD. Eat and chat, eat and chat, eat and chat. After which, went to NTUC; salih wanted to purchase some kitchen’s food. Awww, time do fly swiftly, have got to agree wif that. Farewell to salih and off home. haisss. Even though we’d spent a few hours of catching up just now, i really enjoyed it=] Hope, we’ll have such study/revision session again in the future.

ich liebe sie;

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Anyway, maher planned to watch ‘Eclipse’ on Thursday..hahah yea!! Cool!! another date wif my BMF’s this week. hahahhaa=]

PS:’Do I look like a “gay” to you?’