Jul 7, 2010

I’m dazed

Haaaa!!! i’m really dazed of the decision right now. I seriously can’t make a final stand, i’m just too confused. Firstly, i  wanna leave for good but after hearing some words from them, i wanna on hold it for the time being. However, recently my heart so called telling me to leave.. And just now, when i received a msg from Juveline, it makes me wanna on hold it.. Now you see, how confuse am I..haaiiissss. i seriously unsure abt it.

I think i should take a rest – a good rest and think abt it and try to make a final stand by  tmr as i’m going to Giraffe on the same day. Hopefully, I will have decided on the decision by tmr :l

PS:’I’m sorry if i’ve let your 3 red balloons  flew away :(‘