Sorry for the lack of update’s. I’ve been busy recently – my revision and working. haaaa!! I’m kinda weary now and i’d abandon my revision on certain days. Anyway, you’ll aspect a boring blog from this site as i won’t be posting quite often cos i won’t be online-ing regularly – Need to revise as the Exam is just arnd the corner. haaa!! i’m pretty terrify, well yea a bit though. I hope this time round i’ll make it and move on to the higher level of the Education.
ich verpasse sie;
Anyway, I’ll be meeting my BMF’s tmr – yeah!!!! at last we can meet up cos it has been a week, Mind you a week!! aahahhaah!! Going to study/revise togethe..
ohhh fuck what am I writing, the above words and sentences are in a mess including this sentence – it’s like !@#$@$$$)(@*@&..haisss/it’s not up to the standard.-_-
PS:’ i feel like taking up German Class next year=]’