Aug 5, 2010

Unprepared Birthday Party!!

Yesterday was the day that i turned 18!! I’m so glad=] However, i dun wanna be 18, i wanna stay 17. 18 years old is so old.

Nonetheless, i was surprised by my best buddies just now. – Someone knocked at my door’s house, it was kiey. She said that she needed some help so i opened the gate and she pulled me to the staircase(Otw to the staircase i knew something were not right) and…. tadahh!! i saw salih and maher and all of them sang birthday song! I was completely startled. i was out of words. They made a surprise party! A un-glamour surprise party cos i was wearing my house clothes..ouuu..ahahha!! i wanna dress up nice but it’s okie.. i still enjoyed it. Thank you Maher, Salih and kiey!! Love you all damn much!!

6 years of friendship and still calculating

PS:’it’s my happiest day ever in the year’