Alhamdulilah.. At last my dad have said out his final words - had allowed me to enrol in CAE. =] So this means that i’m going to have to call the campus sometimes next week. haaa!! Hopefully, the enrolment/admission process would goes smoothly. I'd to make a sudden decision was because of my NS enlistment – i’ve to find a school quick or else i’ll need to serve NS. So sucks isn’t it. haisss. can’t they give me time till next year. Also, i’m praying that i would pass the requirements test.
However, if i’ve been accepted by the college, i’ll have to settle my credits wif the bank and call up the deferment department(NS) to seek for deferment from NS.
Nevertheless, i also need to focus with my major exam that is around the corner..
I know, it’s gonna be hard for me and my family as the course fees are tremendously high! what do you expect cos it’s an Advanced Diploma and degree courses. That was the reason for the course fees to be expensive. So this means that i’ll have to work extra hours during weekend and holiday to pay up my loan..
“ya ALLAH, berilah kekuatan kepadaku untuk teruskan kehidupan ini, Amin”