I met my Secondary school friends just now – hmm.. it’s like a a reunion but make it a reunion without any food.. ahhaha!! Seriously i was damn hungry just now –_-. Anyway, we hanged out at ‘treehaus’. Wait!!! before, i continue with my post, i wanna let you noe abt my friend named “Shirah Bello”. ahhaha she had been pranked by me. Text her and she didn’t even noe my number so ahahhah!!! Made her suspicious and curious =] In the end, she knew that it was me all along.. hahha :) lol.
I miss them(Some of them Only) hehehe. Also, i miss “a” someone so much!! It has been quite a long period since we last me. I miss the someone very much, looking at ___ face makes me thrilled. However, we didn’t talked much, only a simple “Hello, how’re you” sentence, you know. Nevertheless, we all did laughed together. haaahahha – Remind me of our past, we were very closed friend back there. haisss.. Literally, I wanna talk to ___but i just dun have the gut to start a sentence to ___ – Dun noe why? Afraid that ___ finds it lame or uninteresting.. Before, i said farewell to the rest, i took a last glanced at ____.