Jun 28, 2010

Chilling Out!!

26062010023  Fion!26062010025Thanks Fion!!=]26062010027 26062010028Fion&Juve 26062010029Strawberry  26062010030Them again 26062010031Dex, Zom and Anne 

I’d a great, wonderful and fantastic time wif them. It was so freaky awesome!! Last Saturday, I chilled out wif Dex, Juve, Fion, Yong Xiu, Su ann and Zom. The purpose was just to relax and release our stress from the_____. We went to “timbre”- waaahhh!! Like climbing the mount Everest – The stairs has a lot of steps, to add fuel to the flames, the stairs were damn steep. Nevertheless, we managed to get ourselves up the Mount Sophia! ahahah!! Settled ourselves at “timbre'”. Ordered our drinks and waited for yong xiu’s arrival. I ordered a Strawberry Margaritas -  Mind it, i ordered the Virgin one, nothing alcoholic. heee=] Yong xiu arrived and we ordered our food. We were so hungry. However, overall the food were sucks and the place, erhm..i can’t say that it was bored but yaaa, can be excited too.=]

Left the place at arnd 10++. Most of us wanna play UNO so decided to go to Heeren’s MacD and played there. We laughed out loud like no one’s bussiness. ahahahhaha!!! At 12am, we again had to move as it was about to close. We then walked to Bugis, and sat at MacD there. We were bored and someone gave us the idea of playing true or dare.. No faking, it was freaking hilarious when seeing them doing the “dare”.hahaha!! yaaa, i laughed all way long, and it was my turn – they asked me to “Meowww!” loudly for 5 times at the middle of the entrance. it was damn most embarrassing  seehhh… Then, all of us need to answer a truth qs, i knew that some of the answers were fake – including me. Literally, i wanna say something but i think it’s best that i dun. I know that he’s much better than me. haaa!! Went home @ 4am and i took cab home.

To tell the truth- no faking, i really enjoyed chilling out if them. They’re wonderful and cool. I’m gonna miss them so much as Wednesday will be my last day. Hope, we can make such outing in the future. Thanks for making me laugh, laugh and laugh!!!!=]

Apparently, before all the above things happens, Dex, Juve, Fion and me watched “Karate Kid”. The movie was awesome and cool however, there’s some scenes that are touching. i almost cried. huhuhuh:(   Hiiiiikkkk Yaaaakkkk!!!!


PS:’You prefer him cos he’s much better compared to me’